Featured Insights
Our latest thinking on the issues that matter most in business and management
Start reading the insights based on your interest and the industry you are in.

Process Safety KPIs
It's always a tough decision to select process safety performance indicators for the organization. Here is our guide on how to develop and select your process safety performance indicators.

Tata Electronics Fire
Tata is widely admired for its commitment to excellence, including safety practices. The fire at their Hosur plant shows that even leading companies can face unexpected incidents.
PSM Strategy
Analysing the past process safety incidents we have identified four principles that will help organisations to develop a new incident reduction strategy.
Safety Resolution
2020 has changed everything around us and undoubtedly 2021 seems to be uncertain. Here is a guide on how you can develop your next year's safety workplace strategy.
CSM Mistake
What are the common mistakes in managing contractor safety? How to avoid them to keep your site safe, productive and profitable?
Safety Event
Getting employees engaged in safety week activities requires an extra effort of planning and when things seem to be uncertain around us, it is more about how to develop an engagement strategy.
PSM Strategy
Analysing the past process safety incidents we have identified four principles that will help organisations to develop a new incident reduction strategy.
Safety Resolution
2020 has changed everything around us and undoubtedly 2021 seems to be uncertain. Here is a guide on how you can develop your next year's safety workplace strategy.
CSM Mistake
What are the common mistakes in managing contractor safety? How to avoid them to keep your site safe, productive and profitable?
Our latest thinking on the issues that matter most in business and management.
Read the insights to develop your next strategy.

Data Analysis
Five step process that Organisations can develop for making strong data-driven decisions to achieve “zero harm” vision.

Decision-making makes a huge impact on an organization. Here is a the five steps process guide to make your digital transformation.

PSM Indicators
How to develop process safety indicators for better monitoring of the performance of safety in the organisation?
Behaviour Model
Discover the power of creating the right mindsets in your organization to improve safety performance.
Our latest thinking on the issues that matter most in business and management.
Talk to our consultant to understand how we frame injury free workplace strategy.
7 Safety Event KPIs
You can't get better if you don't know what areas you need to improve. Similarly for safety week if you don’t know what to measure how will you improve.
Safety Week Plan
How to plan your safety week to get more employee participation? Here are 5 things you should do while planning a safety week for your organization.

Workplace Strategy
So the question is how we develop a future strategy at a time when everything around us still seems to be uncertain.
Behaviour Model
Discover the power of creating the right mindsets in your organization to improve safety performance.
CLIDE Strategy Insights
Our latest thinking on the issues that matter most in business and management.
Read the insights to develop your next strategy.