About us
Leading transformation - Leading change
Committed to Deliver
We challenge conventional thinking and bring innovation in safety to drive positive change in the lives of our stakeholders and communities to enable them to have a safe life.
We bring together the right mix of people to challenge established thinking and drive transformation. We work with our clients to build the capabilities that enable organizations to achieve sustainable advantage.
Our products and services support our customers’ ambition to improve safety processes; our responsible business practices positively engage the lives of many we join through consulting, education, and employment; and our commitment to sustainable business in bringing technology and awareness into safety through our products, services, and processes.
We drive digital-led innovation and solve problems with data and analytics. We have end-to-end expertise to connect every dot, reimagine every process you do, and reinvent the way of working. We understand that rethinking/innovation in each step from start to finish will create better business outcomes. Whatever it is, we’ll be there with you on the transformation journey putting data and digital to work to create strong, lasting results – because we are “Committed to Deliver”
About the Company
At CLIDE we use digital technology and analytics to work. Our past experience demonstrates that advanced safety business processes and operations can generate a huge impact on cost reduction. These processes help our client control cost and strengthen employee engagement, bring safety transformation, and manage risk and compliances.
In doing so, they make our client manage risk, be a more competitive and engaged workforce. It is this focus that has enabled us to transform the complex business process in the safety domain in only a few years.

Our Belief

To address the change in the eld of safety with technological shift, we continuously innovate to bring new solution. Natural resources are depleting day by day due to increased demand in consumption, by world population. We want to reduce our environmental footprint in what we do, by creating sustainable solution to bring positive impact in future.

Technology is bringing the change world want to see by continuously being on the path of innovation. Every industry has changed from traditional based operation to technology based production. Technological change is good, but it also brings new challenges in the world.

“Research and experimental development (R&D) comprise creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications.” Research is core value to be innovation and reduce environmental impact the way we do our business.
We measure our success by our client's success. We make all of our resources available to our clients and commit ourselves wholeheartedly to their success. We seek to identify our clients’ real needs, not just deliver good work. In trade-offs between CLIDE’s and a client’s interest, the client comes first.
In every step we do we embed digital and analytics to transform customers’ experience. Our deep expertise helps us deliver digital-led transformation through our extensive digital, analytics, and consulting capabilities.
Accepting No Limits
"We accept no limits and challenge our past performance. In return, we work relentlessly to provide the services, product, and inspiration for us to push past limitation and comfort zone."
"It means solving the problems in ways no one thought of before, by using digital-led innovation and advance data analytics techniques."
Help Communities
"We will give a new way to create a better standard of living by helping communities which will have a social, economic, and minimum environmental impact."
Value Delivered
We are committed to creating value for our clients that returns many multiples of their investment. We deliver tangible and positive change, not simply presentations or ideas.
We set our standard for value creation extremely high. At CLIDE, value creation requires that our work deliver insight and change the mindset of our clients. Our work must lead directly to clients taking action and executing their business in new ways. We must enhance client capabilities and deliver both competitive advantage and bottom-line impact. We hold ourselves accountable to our value delivered standards by engaging candidly within CLIDE and with clients about the level of value created by our joint efforts.